2007/8/17, Janet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> When I click on the Trash folder and then 'empty trash', the folder
> itself disappears and I am no longer able to delete a message.  I can
> shut down Thunderbird and restart and all is well again.  Surely that is
> not the normal behavior.  What should I be doing to avoid this?
> Janet


This is the users list of... OpenOffice.org
Thunderbird is no part of OpenOffice.org (yet?)
Maybe you can address your question at a Thunderbird list?
They'll probably want to know your opearting system, version of Tb,
and what is exactly happening where...
using dutch OOo 2.3 m221 on a iMac Intel DualCore Tiger
and dutch OOo 2.2 RC 4 on a G4 PPC Powerbook Tiger
-- please reply only to users@openoffice.org --
Dodoes can't afford to have headaches

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