2007/8/17, Harold Fuchs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On 17/08/07, Johnny Rosenberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > I have adjusted line thicknesses many times before, but this time I
> > noticed
> > something odd. I am talking about right clicking on a rectangle,
> selecting
> > Lines and then trying to adjust its thickness. As I remember it I always
> > adjusted this in millimeters before, but suddenly it is inches!
> >
> > I checked Tools - Options and whrever I looked everything was set to
> > millimeters, so why does this parameter show up in inches?
> >
> > The document was created in Windows XP, edited in Ubuntu 7.04 and
> Windows
> > XP
> > (edited from an USB mp3 player) and now it is finally back on my
> > ext3-partition. No matter I used Windows XP or Ubuntu, the line
> thickness
> > was in inches. Everything else in millimeters as it should (since I set
> it
> > to millimeters).
> >
> > Bug? Or is there another parameter to set that I couldn't find? I could
> > also
> > accept pica or points.
> >
> >
> > Johnny Rosenberg
> >
> Don't know how it happened but you can enter the units you want directly
> after the actual size. So, for example, you could enter  ".03cm" (without
> the quotes) into the line-size box.
> See the Help under Units>Measurement Units for details.
> --
> Harold Fuchs
> London, England
> Please reply *only* to users@openoffice.org

You are probably right. The strange thing is that when I checked a few
seconds ago, which is a couple of hours since last time, it was millimeters

Before that, I noticed that the units were set to mm in Windows and cm in
Ubuntu, and as I said, the file was modified in both of these
OpenOffice.orgversions. I don't know, but it seems to work at the
moment anyway... When I
can reproduce the "problem", I will report it as a bug, I think.



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