On 08/20/2007 10:17 AM, Dale Anderson wrote:
> Thank you for your reply. I have downloaded and read the Setup Guide
> and followed the "Multi-user install". However trivial it may be,
> each user must still go through a 4 step license agreement and
> registration process. It is minor to you and I but not to a new or
> relatively new computer user. I, as the administrator, have already
> gone through this process and made these decisions for my users. They
> should not have to go through it again. Of even greater importance is
> the fact that the Configuration Options are reset back to the default
> for each user. Is there a way to get the Configuration Options to
> remain the same for each user?
> Thank you.

You might try a commercial package to help you manage this:


I believe that some folks have written scripts to push a common profile
out to their network users. This is pretty easy in linux, but with
Windows I think that you'd have to deal with Windows registry etc.

Please bottom post - thanks.
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