But this is still not using the CTL facility of OOo. The "Enabled for CTL: is
still greyed out (and checked), and I have not been able to find a way to
switch between "Western" and CTL languages. It might help me if I knew what
action _should_ toggle between the two. Since only two languages are involved,
I would have expected the same behavior as that used in other OSes, namely
Right<Alt+Shift> goes to CTL and Left<Alt+Shift> goes to "Western".

I asked a few people here in the office and got an answer regarding the greyed out check box. Here is Stephan's reply....

Stefan Baltzer wrote:
> Hi!
> Note that currently OOo 2.2.1 is available and we are currently
> about to release OOo 2.3 soon (below, OOo 2.04 was named).
> When the Office is started in a Hebrew or Arabic locale, then the CTL
> support can not be switched off (Box is checked and greyed out).
> The purpose is that the users shall not mistakingly disable
> the support (CTL) they will very likely need some time (because
> of the locale).
> So if you start your office in a non-CTL locale (i.e. en_US), then the
> check box will be enabled again. But there is no point to uncheck it
> if you want to write in Hebrew from time to to time. CTL support
> "only" brings up a few more controls (Format-Character-Font) or lint
> box entries (i.e. text direction in Format-Page-Tab "page", Box "text
> direction". Note that in  Format-Paragraph-Alignment-Properties-Text
> direction, the selection "use superordinate settings" enherits the
> text direction from the page style. Only for "mixed documents", this
> should be set there t  have LTR and RTL paragraphs on one page. But
> most users tend to use the "hard setting" with the text direction
> buttons in the Writer main menu bar.
> Regards,
> Stefan

Clayton Cornell       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
StarOffice - Sun Microsystems, Inc. - Hamburg, Germany

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