Ewing Caldwell wrote:
I have seen some questions on this list (much) earlier about how to set the default paper size for OpenOffice, from US Letter to A4. I too had a problem with this, as my country's paper standard is A4, too. While the proffered solutions of setting the paper size in document templates is not strictly wrong, it is tedious, as you have to do it in every template you use. It does not address the issue of having Openoffice always default to the correct page size. As I had not seen a response directly meeting this need, I went looking. There is a config file in Openoffice.org's installation directory called psprint.conf. For my installation (yours will probably differ), it's in /opt/openeoffice-2.2/ share/psprint

(If you don't know where it is in your installation, you could try the following command in a terminal window:
                  find /opt /usr -name psprint.conf -print
which should print its whereabouts for you.)
It is a read-only file so check its ownership (ls -l psprint.conf - it should be root-user), switch to that user and make it writable: su + root's password followed by chmod u+w psprint.conf. or sudo chmod u+w psprint.conf.
Open the file with a text editor and look for the line:
  ; PPD_PageSize=A4
Remove the semi-colon (comment character) at the start of the line and save the file. Change the permissions to make it read-only again (chmod u-w psprint.conf). Your default page size is now (and will be until your next upgrade :-), A4.
Hope this helps all those A4 users trapped with US Letter.
As far as I know, on Windows the page size and orientation are properties of the *printer* which, by default, are honoured by "well behaved" applications of which OpenOffice is one. However, they can be altered within an application for an individual document or, via templates or similar, for a set of documents. Is the same not true of *nix? Of Macs?

I use the normal (US) Windows version of OpenOffice but I never had to tell it that my printer uses A4 paper. I only need to say something if I want to print in landscape or on envelopes or whatever. After printing a non-standard document and then closing it, OpenOffice will revert to A4 portrait unless I say otherwise. Of course, the page size etc. that you use when you print a document are saved with the document so OpenOffice will "remember" non-standard documents.

Harold Fuchs
London, England
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