Fajar Priyanto wrote:
Hello all,
Sorry for the OT.
Although I have been 'freed' from M$ oppression for several years now, my formal stance on it is quite 'neutral'. Like the saying in IT, "It's all just a tool for IT man, doesn't really matter whether it is FLOSS or M$'.

But, now I've just found out how DIRTY M$ is in doing their business.
For the last couple of days, they have been lobbying our National Standardization Board to make M$ OXML as the national standard.

So far the voting reach a deadlock, meaning that M$ OXML is still rejected as the national standard. However, seeing how DIRTY M$ is, the next voting is still makes us worried.

Has this kind of DIRTY POLITICS happens in other countries regarding ODF (Open Document Format) vs M$ OXML? How do we deal with it? http://www.noooxml.org/

As a positive point of view, I think it is an early sign that they have lost confidence in competing technically, and thus they're using this kind of "DIRTY" lobbying.


As others have stated, this is old news.

Some of Microsoft's dirty tricks over OOXML are coming into the public view and there are peoples heads that are going to get chopped for this. The person that released the "facts" that Microsoft bought votes in Sweden has just cost them one supporter. Sweden has decided to abstain from voting due to irregularities in the whole process. This was the correct decision as they don't have time to re-vote.

I for one wouldn't mind OOXML being approved if all the details were released and there was no concern about licensing or patent issues. I hope that the ISO organization decides to vote against OOXML until these issues have been publicly discussed.

Keep watching for updates.
Robin Laing

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