Colin John wrote:

I have just downloaded the software and it seems really good.

I downloaded a trial version of Outlook Pro 2007 because I thought I would
buy the software at the end of the trial. I have changed my mind since
seeing Open Office. The only problem is I use Publisher and the Contacts
part of Outlook.
Can anyone suggest something I can use to take the place of Publisher and
read the Outlook Pro 2007 documents and also a means of copying the Contacts
as they stand without loosing any of the features.

Colin John

Hello Colin and welcome to the world of OOo.

There is a beta program for Windows that is like Outlook. It is Evolution and is supposed to work with contacts and such. I don't like Evolution but then I didn't like Outlook either.

I am assuming that Contacts is like Thunderbirds address book. I use the address book feature with no issues. It will even store peoples digital business cards if you wish.

As for Publisher. There is no other program that will read Publisher files. If you can export them, then Scribus is great and as some reviews I have read, better than Publisher.

Robin Laing

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