NoOp wrote:
On 09/06/2007 12:06 PM, Derek Croxton wrote:
I'm having a problem with a toolbar that won't go away. I have a document that consists mostly of one big table. Whenever I open it, the tables toolbar comes up. I've tried hiding it, and detaching and hiding it (don't laugh, it worked for a different problem), but it always comes back when I open the document up. Is there any way to make it stop?

I'm using Ubuntu Feisty, OOo 2.2.

Those can be a PITA. A pox on all pop-up toolbars!

Select View|Toolbars and make sure that Tables is unchecked, then save
the doc. Sometimes it takes a few times (don't know why), but that
should resolve the problem.

You're right, after saving it 4 times, it finally worked.  Weird.

Thanks for your help.


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