> Say ...
> On M$-Windows (e.g. WinXP),
> is there a way to add a certain OO.o *template* to the Explorer context
> menu?
> For instance, I currently have something like:
>      Right-Click
>         ->New
>             ...
>              ->OpenOffice.org Spreadsheet
>              ->OpenOffice.org Text document
>              ...
> I'd like to be able to do:
>      Right-Click
>         ->New
>             ->OpenOffice.org MyEnvelope
> or
>             ->OpenOffice.org MyPersonalLetter
> or
>             ->OpenOffice.org MyFunctionalSpec
> The benefit is that it would bypass the step of creating a new
> OpenOffice.org Text document, only to turn around and, in Writer,
> do File->New->Templates and Documents->Templates->MyEnvelope etc,
> leaving an empty "New OpenOffice.org Text document.odt" in the folder.
> Just popped into my head, and seemed like a worthwhile idea.
> Can anybody think of a way to do this?
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> I'm sure there is, but this is a function of the operating system, not
OOo. I would ask a similar question on a windows forum (make sure to include
the OS and version your using).


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