On 09/18/2007 06:46 PM, Howard Coles Jr. wrote:
> On Tuesday 18 September 2007 05:37:44 pm James Knott wrote:
>> Those who have Lotus Smart Suite files may be interested in this.  As I
>> understand it, it's Smart Suite updated to work with ODF.
>> http://symphony.lotus.com/software/lotus/symphony/home.jspa
> However, be prepared to give it some room LOTS of room.
> The install requires around 480 MB and the download itself is 223 MB!  (for 
> Linux that is).
> I think the Windoze install is 133 MB.
> Why the space difference?  I have no idea.  However, I have installed it on a 
> slower single proc WinXP machine with 512 MB RAM and it is SLOW to say the 
> least.

What are the client system requirements?

    * Lotus Symphony supports both Microsoft Windows® and Linux® platforms.

      Note: Be sure your system meets these client system requirements:

      * Supported Windows platforms: Windows XP, Windows Vista
      * Supported Linux platforms: SLED 10, RHEL 5, Redhat5
      * 900MB disk space minimum
      * 1GB RAM memory minimum <=== note
      * US English locale

Maybe they are trying to keep up with Vista :-)

> I'm downloading the Linux version now to try on my DualCore Laptop w/2GB of 
> RAM.  We'll see how it goes.
> The interesting thing about this package is that it harps back to the 
> StarOffice 5.2 days.  If any of you have been around long enough to remember 
> the single window in which all your docs, etc. opened, you'll quickly 
> recognize Symphony.  

I still have the 5.1 CD :-)

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