On Wed, 19 Sep 2007 16:33:54 -0600
Larry Gusaas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> BTW, I am not a new user and I get real tired of sanctimonious and 
> superior attitudes of some "experts".

In the immortal words of WC Fields:  Go away, son.  You bother me.

Does that sound sufficiently superior?  It is intended to.

You may not be a new user chronologically, but  you apparently are not prepared
to learn anything, either .  Therefore I am no longer prepared to attempt to
assist you.  I have bent over backward to be patient with you and that patience
has just reached an end.

I don't generally post flames, but this is a special occasion.

MELVILLE THEATRE ~ Melville Sask ~ http://www.melvilletheatre.com

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