Dear Cor Nouws,

I test OO ver 2.3 today but the problem still persist. Any suggestion?

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re:[users] Date format bug with Open Office Calc
From: Cor Nouws <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 20/08/2007 15:25
Hi Steven,

Steven Lim schreef:

  I'm using the OO 2.2.1
     Notice an bug with Calc.
When keying in date with format 11-jan-7x. After keying in the date, i click on other fields. When i return to click on the field where i key in this date, the date shown is of another date in the early 1970s range but is different from what i key in. Notice that this happens when i tried to key in a date inthe 1970s range. Keying in dates in the 1980s range and above seems fine.
     Earlier ver of OO such as 2.0 does not have this problem.
     Please assist to sort out this bug.

Could it be this one:

Kindest regards,

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