On 20 Sep 2007 at 19:25, Jason E. Dorfler wrote:

> James Knott wrote:
> > Jason E. Dorfler wrote:
> >> Is there anything special I must do to install 2.3 when I already have
> >> 2.2 installed?  Or will the installer already recognize 2.2 and just
> >> update where necessary?
> >>
> > 
> > I assume you're installing on Windows.  If so, just install.  You don't
> > have to worry about the older version.
> > 
> > 
> Yah, I am installing on Windows.  Too chicken to try Linux.  Anyway, 
> thank you very much, I appreciate the answer.

I've just done this.  Two (3?) problems: fontworks is seemingly messed 
up in 2.3: at least, a document created with 2.2 had a fontworks object 
that was "invisible" in 2.3 - it didn't appear on sceen or printer, 
although it could be selected, edited, rotated, etc.  Newly created 
objects seem OK though, so I'm not sure what the problem is (I /did/ 
check the doc on another system to be sure).

2.3 gratituitously removed the 2.2 installation, even though I'd asked 
for a separate directory.  And XP's system restore (I'm never sure 
exactly what the scope of this is supposed to be) removed (most of) 2.3 
and didn't re-provide 2.2 when I tried to revert. But at least an undo 
of /that/ gave me 2.3 back again; a small mercy :-)

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