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Gregory Forster wrote:
Do not lose the sight of the fact that there are large businesses that also 

If it costs more, then it's better.
Having a college degree makes you smarter, more professional, and more reliable.
The reason for going to college is getting a better job, not to "fine tune"and 
develop a higher education.


"John W. Kennedy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Symphony is a beta at present. It is, however, a free product, beta or not.

The current beta of Symphony is based on an old version of OOo, but has had real development done on it by IBM. Some of IBM's changes to the UI are distinct improvements that I would like to see applied to regular OOo.

Only testers, etc., will normally have both OOo and Symphony on their systems. Symphony registers the ODF file extensions because, for Joe User, if he has Symphony at all, Symphony will be /the/ program he uses to manage ODF files with. I don't hear anyone complaining about OOo "stealing" the ODF formats.

(I do wish, however, that Symphony would do it properly, during installation, and not every time you start the program. IBM was made aware on Day One that this is viewed as a fault.)

Do not lose sight of the fact that there are large businesses that now refuse to install OOo (because it's hippie-commie-nerdy open-source) but which will happily install Symphony (because it's from IBM). This is a Good Thing.

For me, I'm sticking with OOo now, because the current beta of Symphony has some old bugs that I was glad to bid farewell to. But maybe I'll switch in the future. Let's see what happens.

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