mike scott wrote:
I have been doing some work from XP, with OOo (2.3) getting its files off drive H:, a network drive (served by samba 3.0.25a on freebsd 6.2 as it happens). Normally, no problem.

However there's obviously an XP oddity, in that if XP hibernates and is woken up again, the network drives are quite often left disconnected. That means that drive H: (in my case) doesn't appear in any of the 'save' menus (anywhere, not just in OOo). More annoyingly, if I then try to just 'save' the file I've been working on when hibernation occured, that save fails (some vague, general i/o error; the exact wording is probably not material). However, a 'save as' and explicitly giving the drive letter in the filename box 'wakes up' the network drive, so to speak, and it will then save successfully.

It's an irritation with a workaround, and clearly not an OOo problem as such; I'm surprised others haven't mentioned it (maybe not many folk use both network drives /and/ hibernation?????) but the problems another poster is having with saving to a USB stick made me wonder if there was a common root concerning what is essentially a removable drive. Just thought I'd mention it.....
I'll get a similar problem with Win2K Pro running on VirtualBox with F7 as the host OS. If I hibernate the current session through VBox verses the shutdown through M$ control and then later rebooting. My network shares disappear when I resume from hibernate. I'm not sure if it's a VBox issue as it is done under their control or a M$ issue.

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