On 11/10/2007 12:33, Keith Bates wrote:

Someone has sent me one of those evil files in the Mcrosoft 2007 docx

Failing that, can someone tell me how to use regular expressions to
remove the formatting commands in the basic xml file i.e.
<I want to remove anything between these brackets>

No matter how long I look at the help file my brain just does not get
reg ex !


If this would work for you the solution is simple *providing* you can open the xml file in a text editor (vi ???) that supports regular expressions.

Change the regular expression "<.*>" (that's less-than, dot, asterisk, greater-than, without the quotes) to nothing (a null string). The less-than and greater-than characters are interpreted literally; the dot star is interpreted as "any number, including zero, of any character".

However, I'm not sure if this is a good idea as it will lose *all* the formatting from the document. If that's OK with you then ...

Harold Fuchs
London, England
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