At 15:53 12/10/2007 +0100, Victor Domingos wrote:
I have a table where column B is storing dates and column C is storing money values referring to those dates. In another table, I would like to sum the money values for each week. I have been trying to accomplish this by creating a table with column with the initial day of each week (for the column named "Week") and using the function COUNTIF. However, I am not able to specify two conditions or criteria for that function. Is there any way to say Calc to sum something in different cells if a DATE value is between X and Y?

I imagine that you mean the SUMIF() function rather than COUNTIF(), but - as you have discovered - it is difficult to see how you can combine two conditions with SUMIF().

There is a way of achieving what you need using SUM(), and it is described in the help text for the SUM() function. It relies on the fact that logical values, whilst being displayed as TRUE and FALSE, are actually stored as 1 and 0. The trick, then, is to construct the two conditions and then to misinterpret them as numbers. If you multiply your money values by both these logical values, you will be multiplying each by two values, each of which will either be 0 or 1. This will hide, as it were, all values except those for which both multipliers are 1 - in other words, for which both conditions are true. You can then sum these expressions to form the sum of just the unhidden values: those that fall in your chosen week.

Let's imagine that your starting date for the week is in cell D1. In the cell where you want the monetary sum, enter:
You are not quite there, as this is an array formula, even though it returns a single result. So once you have constructed the formula, you need to use Ctrl+Shift+Enter to confirm it, rather than simple Enter. The formula will then appear in the Input line as:
complete with enclosing braces (but note that you cannot choose to type those braces yourself).

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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