Scott wrote:

>  Is there a URL that provides a summary of the differences between these two 
> versions?  I found "Release Notes," but that is far too in depth.

That isprobably the only thingyou'llfind.

> In general terms, what does 2.3 have that 1.1.5 does not?

OOo 1.1.5 can read, but not write ODF files;
OOo 2.3 has better integrated grammar checking;
OOo 2.3 uses HunSpell, rather than MySpell for spell checking.
More languages and locales are supported in 2.3, than 1.1.5.
You can switch the language of the User Interface easier with 2.3 than 1.1.5.
1.1.5 uses less memory than 2.3.

There are a couple of other differences, but those are the most
visible differences, when switching documents between 2.3 and 1.1.5.



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