I can't figure out how to make this happen. 

I'm a teacher and I have a DB of my students. In the main table there is one 
record per student. I have to call them at home and I keep a record of this. 
So, I have a call table which (should) have more then 1 record for each 
student. In their report (card), I want to group all the calls together. I 
can't seem to make separate DB calls from this report, so I created a query to 
do this, but it returns a separate record for each student for each call 
resulting in 2 records for a student that has been called twice (etc...). It 
seems logically impossible to me to generate one query that will return one 
record per student with 2 different pieces of data in the call fields, so it 
either has to be filtered somehow in the report or it has to be 2 queries. 

To rehash the problem, I can't figure out how to implement 2 queries in one 
report. Is this possible?

Thanks for your help,

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