I have Open Office 2.2 installed on my home computer, a Gateway running
Ubuntu feisty, and on my work laptop running Win XP, and the same problem
appears on both. In Writer, when I select "Times New Roman" as the font,
what I actually get is a "broken" font -- one that looks like a beat up old
typewriter. This also happens if I open a document that was created on
another system, on on the same system but using another word processor and
the document has Times New Roman as one of the fonts -- it appears as this
broken font.

I've tried doing the same thing in KWord and LeafPad and the Times New Roman
in those applications looks fine. I have browsed around the installed fonts
on the Ubuntu machine using the font viewer but I can't seem to find the
offending broken font that's masquerading as Times New Roman.

Has this happened to anyone else? How do I find and remove this bogus font?
If it isn't already obvious, I am not ver adept at debugging my computer, so
a clear simple explanation would be much appreciated. Thanks!


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