2007/10/24, Jan Seberg Simonsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Just want to check whether you have an estimated release date for the final 
> Mac Aqua version?
> Thanks in advance
> Jan Simonsen

Hello Jan,

I suppose there isn't a fixed date yet, the Aqua is still in the Alpha
stadium, not to be used in serious production work, although most of
it already works fine.
You can follow development in the mac porting pages of OpenOffice.org
(http://porting.openoffice.org/mac). there is a list with key issues
that have to be solved, and here is a general list of important issues
that are being worked on:
I guess it will take a few more months to have an officlal stable
release of Aqua...
The team can always use help!

using dutch OOo 2.3 m221 on a iMac Intel DualCore Tiger
and brazilian OOo 2.3 RC 3 on a G4 PPC Powerbook Tiger
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