On Nov 7, 2007 3:40 AM, Khyati Gupta  wrote:

> yes i did tried everything, from your help options, till ur website, and i

1: a) Install the appropriate dictionaries, thesauri, and hyphenation
">File >Wizards >Install new dictionaries" should bring up the tool
for installing dictionaries.
* This tool will automatically check to see if it is the most current
version.  If it is not, then it will ask if you want to update to the
current version.
* The user interface for version 1.7 is in 27 languages;
* It lists roughly 120 dictionaries for spell checking;
** There are some ---probably less than a dozen --- dictionaries for
OOo that are not listed in this tool. For the most part, the unlisted
dictionaries are very new, very specialized, or very large.
* Only install dictionaries etc that you use, and need.   OOo
performance can be severely degraded if too many dictionaries, etc are
installed.  [My experience is that performance degradation is
noticeable at around 5 dictionaries, and is complete at around 100
dictionaries.  The amount of RAM, and your chip speed will affect the
performance degradation.]

b) Create and use language specific styles;
* For each language that is used, create a set of paragraph,
character, numbering, and page styles. Use those styles when creating,
or editing documents. This way spell checking will be correctly done.
Language specific styles also allow for transparent grammar checking
from within OOo.
* A template that contains the start of language specific styles can
be found at  http://www.esnips.com/web/OOoRelatedThings.
* Uncheck "Spell check in all languages" unless you want your work to
contain spelling errors.

2: Grammar Checking

You can find a list of grammar checkers at

You can find an article on installing LanguageTool at

Note:  Select your grammar checker according to the languages that you
use. Different grammar checkers cover different languages.

3:  IME Issues

Note: The following versions of Windows are known for their
monolingualism. Upgrade to Linux if you need to create multilingual

* Windows 98;
* Windows 98 SE;
* Windows ME;
* Windows Vista Starter;
* Windows Vista Home Basic;
* Windows Vista Home Basic N;
* Windows Vista Home Basic K
* Windows Vista Home Basic KN
* Windows Vista Home Premium;
* Windows Vista Home Premium K:
* Windows Vista Business;
* Windows Vista Business N;
* Windows Vista Business K
* Windows Vista Business KN

You may need an IME for the following writing systems:

* Chinese;
* Japanese;
* Korean;
* Vietnamese;
* Devangari;
* Sanskrit;
* Tibetan;
* Thai:
* Mongolian;
* Arabic;
* Hebrew;
* Rongo Rongo

OOo does not directly support Boustrophedoun Writing systems.
[ This can be faked/emulated by using styles.]


For international keyboard support, refer to the following articles:
* WinXP: http://www.microsoft.com/globaldev/handson/user/xpintlsupp.mspx;
* Win2003: http://www.microsoft.com/globaldev/handson/user/xpintlsupp.mspx;
* Win2K: http://www.microsoft.com/globaldev/handson/user/2kintlsupp.mspx;

For IMEs refer to the following article:
The IMEs that Microsoft produces have the following issues:
* One IME per language;
* Require Microsoft Office to be installed;
* Are not reliable for non-Microsoft programs;

Commercial MIEs:
* NJStar Communicator: http://www.mjstar.com : The virtue of this
product is that it covers Chinese, Japanese, and Korean.

* SCIM: http://www.scim-im.org/ :  This product covers CKJV.


My suggestion is to use SCIM. http://www.scim-im.org/


My suggestion is to use SCIM. http://www.scim-im.org/


OOo can not correct for incompetence in creating documents from MSO.
Furthermore,OOo can not compensate for the defective and flawed
security measures used by Microsoft. As such, before using this product
for exams that require faulty and defective software, ensure that you
will not be unjustly penalized for the incompetence of the organization
that requires the use of software that is known to be flawed,
defective, bug-ridden, and fails to meet ISO file format standards.

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