NoOp wrote:
On 11/15/2007 12:20 AM, rob clement wrote:
Apologies for sending out a read receipt with my last request.

Some time ago I discovered a web site called The contents of the web site is a series of presentation templates. I found one in the technical section that seemed to suit my requirements, so I downloaded all the technical templates.

I found that the templates were for PowerPoint to I proceeded to convert them. I renamed template called 001 to Powerbacks_tech001 and used Impress to read the template. I then saved this as an Impress template.

I then imported the Impress template using > File > Templates > Organize >Presentation Backgrounds and used command >Import template.

I then started to build my Impress presentation using template Powerbacks_tech001. Please note that in the file name there are no spaces. I created several slides and then as I was stopping for a while to do something else so I saved and closed the presentation.

When I reopened the presentation the background that I had chosen was changed from a photograph of a printed circuit board to a piece of modern art with a blue circle an red oblong and a green triangle in it.

On further checking using > Format > Slide Design the filename had become powerback%20tech001. I believe that %20 is a space but that is immaterial. The filename of my background had become corrupt.

What can be done to reinstate the correct file as the background?
Is this a failure of Impress or the fact that I have tried to convert a PowerPoint presentation background?

If I cannot get an answer I will have to install Powerpoint 2003 and do my work from there.

Your issue may be related to this bug:
[Import of templates fails when the name contains spaces - Target
milestone: OOo 2.4]

I'd recommend that you eliminate the underscores in the template name.

Other possibly related issues:

BTW: an underscore "_" is hex 5F so the translation should be %5F rather
than %20 which is hex for a space " ". So you might want to add your
problem to the 70669 bug report.

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Apologies there is not one problem here but two.

Problem 1
When I documented the procedure to create the OOo Impress template I omitted one thing. I created the template as “powerbacks tech001” and when I found a problem importing the template into OpenOffice, I renamed the template from “powerbacks tech001” to “powerbacks_tech001” and thought no more about it. This however is the core of the problem. The original filename must be stored somewhere within the template file as when the Impress presentation is saved the background filename reverts to the original “powerbacks tech001”. So when I look at the file using >format >slide design it shows the old filename.

Moral never rename an impress template, always save it afresh.

Can someone please confirm that the original filename of an Impress template is stored within the file.

Problem 2
The change to the modern art background is a different problem. When I created the new Impress template with the correct name, the background still changed to the square, circle and triangle again but by using the >format >slide design I found that the file name was the new file name of the file and the background could be reset by selecting “exchange background page” and clicking load then you had a choice of backdrops and need to choose the original backdrop. It is strange that now I have created the presentation, the file name shown in >format >slide design is now shown as default. If anyone has any ideas about this then it would be helpful but at least we have a workaround.



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