Hi -

I just uninstalled every bit of open office. I could not open many of my
documents on other computers.

All my files changed back to word (which is perfect for me) except two
files. I need to open them and can not since I uninstalled open office.

One is an ODP file and the other is an ODT file.

Can you help? And no I do not want to install open office again. I am a
researcher and my time is so valuable. Having to deal with a program that
overrides word document that are saved as word documents that I can not
open on other computers or send through email and others can not open
attachments is slowing progress down.

You didn't have to delete OpenOffice, as you could have simply saved your documents in Word format or even made Word the default format.  You can do similar with presentations and spreadsheets.  This will allow users of Microsoft Office to open your documents.  The ODT & ODP files are saved in the OpenOffice default ISO standard ODF formats, which Microsoft refuses to support.  Your options are to reinstall OpenOffice (there's no reason why you can't have both Microsoft Office and OpenOffice on the same computer, as I do at work) or to install the Sun ODF plugin for Microsoft Office, which can be found here: http://www.sun.com/software/star/odf_plugin

 Use OpenOffice.org

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