2007/11/21, callmeshane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hmmmm the respondees must be Americans....
> 15 different opinions...
> ONE party useful answer...

I didn't reply at all, since I didn't understand the question. English is
not my main language so I have big troubles understanding it when it's not
spelled properly (or almost properly). Of course I could figure it out if I
really tried hard, but I kind of figured that maybe someone else could
deliver a better and more accurate reply.


Lots of stinking judgement about some they have never met, never had
> anything to do with, and have never actually asked or verified ideas,
> motivations or perceptions with...
> All carrying on like a pack of arseholes....

And what was your intention?

And NOT one person set about to FIX the bug of MM and CM limitations of
> 300 x 300 units in the program.
> Don't forget... after seeing all the nasty immature and tantrum throwing
> bullshit you people spit out...
> No wonder the USA has a brain damaged scumbag junkie for a president - I
> mean look at who consistently votes people like him in.
> Is it any wonder the rest of the world has the same flag as the
> Americans, but theirs is on fire.

He he he... that's a good one! =P

> This forum is a nut house full of the insightful and well adjusted.
> Should ban Americans from it completely.

Actually there are some nice Americans in the world, some of them has joined
this list. Idiots can be found in any country.

Johnny Rosenberg

> Fred A. Miller wrote:
> > Frank Cox wrote:
> >
> >> On Tue, 20 Nov 2007 14:12:28 -0500
> >> James Knott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >>>> Interesting how your english seems to have degraded...
> >>>>
> >>> Perhaps he's been using Windows.  ;-)
> >>>
> >> Me spill chucker woks grate. I needle gramma chicken.
> >>
> >
> > 'Same meathead that has shown up on many newsgroups......a pro-MickySoft
> > ingrate.
> >
> > Fred
> >
> >

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