Leslie Wright wrote:

Just a thought--

This list has seen during my brief time here quite a few postings talking about purchasing OOo, getting license keys, shady offers to "buy" OOo on eBay and in other places, etc.

Now I know that in a "caveat emptor" world we can't rescue all consumers from their own naivete, but the basic concepts that one can download and use and distribute OOo freely to ones heart's content seem lost on some folks, and it really perplexes me.

It just drives me nuts that some poor fools are shelling out cash for the exact same software most of us here use quite happily for nothing.

Maybe it is so darn good (and it is) and the majority of the computer-using world so brainwashed by the MS hegemony that some otherwise perfectly reasonable folks think that this is all maybe too good to be true. I must confessed that the thought crossed my mind when I discovered OOo when I got interest in Linux in generally and Ubuntu specifically.

Is there any way to get the word out better? I have a funny feeling that OOo is for so many poor schmucks who feel enslaved to MS a too-well-kept secret.

Thank you for letting me rant.


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A rant about the stupidity of users without getting abusing or personal is often what we need to let off steam.




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