If you tell someone to get it "over there", then  if the source code is also
"over there" all is well.  But providing access from a designated place is not
the same thing as providing a copy in-hand.

So, if I make a CD chock full of different language versions of OOo and Language tools, I should make sure that there is room to spare to put the source code on that CD as well? Seems like a waste of space as long as the source code is freely available on line.

Of course, all this changes when I create a derivative version of OOo, then I agree I should include the source for this derivative. But as far as I understood, it was enough to provide a link to a site where it can be obtained.

I am not a lawyer though, so what do I know. In fact I didn't even read the license in depth. I guess that if one wants to be on the safe side: include the source code everywhere, on people's hard disks and on CD's for distribution. Hard disk space is cheap and there isn't much demand for CD's with several language versions of OOo.


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