Mathias Bauer wrote:
Hi Kevin,

kevin johnston wrote:

I'm seeing a bizarre behavior and I'm stumped: Calc can read in a spreadsheet, display it, edit it, but cannot write it out.

there are two know situations where OOo has problems saving files:

- the file belongs to a remote resource and OOo temporarily lost
connection to it (network problem, hibernation or standby); this is a
bug in OOo.

- there is an application running on the system that wipes out the
temp-folder while OOo has opened a file; this is a bug in the system
setup: temp folders should never be cleared while applications are running.

I assume that your problem is different. I recommend that you create an
issue in our bug reporting system and attach some files for testing.
This will allow developers to have a look on the problem.


I have one case where OOo has saved a corrupted Calc file. I cannot open this file in OOo2.3 which just freezes. The file will unzip without warnings so the corruption was created within OOo. I plan on submitting this file as a bug report. I could open the file in Gnumeric but lost formatting.

Robin Laing

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