2007/12/3, Drew Jensen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> James Knott wrote:
> > Elchanan wrote:
> >
> >> Will OO 2.3 run on and take full advantage of a 64-bit system, assuming
> >> 64-bit Windows?
> >>
> >>
> >
> > I'm currently running 64 bit OpenOffice, but it's on Linux, not
> > Windows.  I don't know if there is a 64 bit Windows version.
> >
> I use the 64bit Linux version also and up until about 10 days ago this
> version was kind of a lonely step child, not even part of the actual
> formal QA work flow.
> However this seems to be changing, the activity in the QA group has
> started with the Linux version being used to see to it that the
> automated testing tools run properly against it - Who knows perhaps the
> 64bit Windows version is creeping up also.

They say that 64-bit computing is the future of computing - but how far in
the future they don't say....


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