On 05/12/2007 14:47, Andrew Douglas Pitonyak wrote:
autoformat is probably the best solution, but I use a macro that uses paragraph styles to do this in a Writer table. I can send you the macro off list ifyou desire. email me directly, not on list if you wnat it.

Akki Nitsch wrote:
Hi everybody!

Does anybody know a good way to realize alternating shading in tables in OOo-Writer? It would be a nice trick to make long tables more readable, but it's quit boring to alternate the background-colour of every second row by hand.

Kind regards

Akki Nitsch

Possibly another way.

Create the table in Calc using the technique described below. Copy/Paste the result into Writer. The result can either be a graphic which you can't edit or, by clicking on the graphic, you can turn the table into an OLE object which you can edit.

The technique for creating a Calc table with rows of alternating background colours is given at http://www.openofficetips.com/blog/archives/2005/03/conditional_for_3.html

It involves setting conditional formatting on all the cells in the table depending on whether the row number is even or odd. The row number is given by the ROW() function; its parity (even or odd) is given by the MOD() function using 2 as the divisor. I have tried it in OO 2.2 on Win XP. It works, as does the copy/paste into Writer. I did *not* use Paste Special.

Harold Fuchs
London, England
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