On Dec 13, 2007 1:27 AM, Muhammad Altaf Bashir
> Dear Open Office Support Team,
> I would like to inform you I am working in an IT Consulting firm as
> Technical Lead Open Platform and Technologies. Our ambition is to promote
> open source product which also include open office. It is in our plan to
> deploy Open Office at our client end and cut down the cost of Microsoft
> office license. As you fully aware that it is very hard to justify the users
> to use open office instead of Microsoft office. Can you please let me know
> how to satisfy my users about open office, I know open office is still not
> much matured compare to MS Office but still it is good to use. One of my
> subordinate got the following link from the Internet:
> http://blogs.zdnet.com/Ou/?p=120
> Which clearly indicated that Open Office is not efficient in terms of Memory
> Usage as well as CPU time. Can you please justify it and let me know how to
> make Open Office more efficient.
> Awaiting for your prompt and earlier response
> Thanks & Regards
> Muhammad Altaf Bashir
> Sapphire Consulting Services
> NIC Building, 8th Floor
> Abbasi Shaheed Road
> Karachi - 74400
> Pakistan
> Tel: +9221-5635580-3
> Fax: +9221-5635585
> Mobile: +92-300-2480826
> Website: www.sapphireconsultingservices.com
> <file:///C:\Documents%20and%20Settings\altaf\Application%20Data\Microsoft\Si
> gnatures\www.sapphireconsultingservices.com>
> I hope that you are aware, that the review you refer to is over two years 
> old, and that the latest release is now open office 2.3.1 and not
version 2.0. I am sure, that there are significant improvements in
speed and functionality.

If you are sick and tired with Microsoft Office, install Open Office
from http://www.openoffice.org it is free and it does everything the
other stuff does. --  Wenn du die Schnauze voll hast mit Microsoft
Office, warum installierst du nicht Open Office von
http://www.openoffice.org. es kostet nichts und es macht alles was die
andere Software macht.

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