On Wed, Jan 16, 2008 03:02:52 AM -0600, Russ Salmon ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

> If you could please let know how i can install your software wuite
>  on my HP Pavilio laptop, 1.32 GHZ and 1.99 Gigs of RAM i would
>  really appreciate it.  I'm very excited to begin using your
>  software bundle,. but your setup/ install program stops and freezes
>  right after it begins the install process every time.

Mr Salmon,

users@openoffice.org is a public mailing list (that is, everything you
write at that address is forwarded to many people across the Internet
and also archived on a public web page). The purpose of the list is to
allow volunteers like me to offer volunteer support to other
OpenOffice users.

OpenOffice can be downloaded for free from www.openoffice.org. There
is no need to pay for it. It is also possible and perfectly legal,
however, to sell copies of the program, as it happened in your case.

At the same time, please keep in mind that this list and community
have no relationship whatever with the people who sold OpenOffice to
you. If those people told you that you were also purchasing support
from this address, they didn't behave properly and you should report
them to the local Better Business Bureau.

Best Regards,
                        Marco Fioretti
Your own civil rights and the quality of your life heavily depend on how
software is used *around* you:            http://digifreedom.net/node/84

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