> Got taken with this one too. My point is this, I paid for "Opal
> Office", all the confirmation emails etc were for the purchase of
> "Opal Office". Doesn't this make it plain out & out fraud and not
> just clever wording? There is also no mention made of the fact that
> you are actually buying a repackaged Open Office product which is,
> apparently, quite legal??? Can something be done about these basta#ds?
> Taken2 ...the friggen cleaners!
> J. Luckett wrote:
>> Hey, there...
>> Just wanted someone to know, I'd fallen for a scam, where someone has
>> repackaged Open Office under the name "Opal Office" and is selling it
>> for $12.  I was just looking to check out some software because I
>> wasn't sure how I'd like Open Office's X11 solution for Intel Mac
>> OSX.   I bought this software and everything was fine until I
>> unpacked the disk image to discover that what I was really buying
>> was not "Opal Office" but "Open Office" completely unchanged.  To
>> the developers of Open Office, I don't think it's fair for all of
>> your hard work and generosity in making this available for free,
>> while someone else profits off of it for doing absolutely nothing.
>> The offending Website is www.officebestdeal.com
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Unfortunately ethics has little to do with legality.  If they uphold 
their end of the bargain, e.g. follow the licensing rules, nothing can 
be done except make it known they're doing it.

IMO the license should state that downloads will be forever free 
regardless of who offers it, and if selling it on CD, must also provide 
free download.


Tired of MS Office and their shananigans?
Try this free  replacement:

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