Windows will not allow me to download this program. It says it doesn't recognize it. It asks me to tell it what program created it. That sends me to a list of programs like Adobe, Word, Word Perfect, etc. When I reject that method, it send me to Windows Explorer, when I tell it to use to web. I heard about this from Asa Aarons column in the New York Daily News and am very anxious to have it. I think that Service Pack 3 created my problem. I use an older genealogy problem. I have never had a problem even though it is a DOS program. I can not access it. Please help.

It is not clear what you cannot accesss.

Make sure you are downloading from http://download.openoffice.org/2.3.1/index.html .
Select the Windows version. Be sure your double-click.

The browser downloader should create a file, perhaps on your desktop, perhaps in a folder named “Download” or some other folder, depending on how your browser downloader is set up. OpenOffice.org comes as a very large file and should take some time to download. If it seems to download instantaneously then something is wrong.

The download file will be named OOo_2.3.1_Win32Intel_install_wJRE_en-US.exe . Double-click on the file’s icon. Since the file is an .exe file, it shouldn’t ask you anything about what program created this file.

The program should install, which will take some time. It will ask you about creating associations with MS Word files. If it does not do that, then something is wrong at this stage. If you already have MS Office on your PC, you may not want to create associations for MS Word files. Otherwise you will want to create associations. (You can always change this later, whatever you select, so don’t worry much about it.)

When the installation is complete you should find a new OpenOffice.org folder in your Start menu and a sub-menu attached which contains icons for the various modules of OpenOffice.org. Clck one of these icons, say the OpenOffice.org Writer icon. This should bring up a registration screen (which you can bypass by selecting “Already registered” if you wish). Then OpenOffice.org Writer should appear and an OpenOffice.org birds icon should be added to the system tray.

Type some stuff and then save the file. Try opening the file by double-clicking on its icon. Close it again. Try opening the file through the File —> Open... menu in OpenOffice.org Writer.

If all this works, you are fine.

If this doesn’t work, advise us at what point your install and test didn’t work properly.

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Jim Allan

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