Sorry -- forgot to copy Sylvain.
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Sylvain Bromberger wrote:
Barbara Duprey wrote:
Sylvain Bromberger wrote:
Is there any way of creating a report in Database that is not in the form of a table, e.g. a document in Write in which the records appear as paragraphs in columns?

Thanks for any help with this.

Maybe not exactly what you're asking -- but have you tried saving a copy (so you can edit), then clicking somewhere in the table and using Table > Convert > Table to Text on the report? Does that give you what you want?

Thank you! That works out rather well, though it calls for some editing. By the way clicking in the table does not open the option to convert, but clicking "Table" on the task bar does. And then opting to separate with the "paragraph" option and then clicking on "columns" to organize the text does just what I want, namely to print out a personal address book that is otherwise very crammed when in table form.

Thanks again. Open office is amazing. Who is paying for all this, and why?


Glad you got there! I just said to click in the table so you would have the menu bar Table options, including Convert, available -- if the active cursor is outside the table, the Convert option would be grayed out.

Most of the work on is done for free, both the coding and support. For the things that need actual money, OOo relies on contributions from users and others -- Sun Microsystems is a major contributor, I think. As for why, it's mostly because open source projects are a great way to get a lot of capability to people who would otherwise either go without, or be locked in to proprietary solutions, with more money being dragged out of them every time there's an upgrade. Feels really good, and generates a lot of good will for Sun and others who help.

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