Kenn Goutal wrote:
It appears that, in my version at least,
there is no function that, given a number 1..12,
returns the name of the corresponding month.

Am I missing something?

Failing to find one, I tried to fetch the i-th element
of an 12-row column of month names,
but I'm apparently not clever enough to code that.


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As an alternative to Brian's neat trick, I made my own function which is in a module of My Macros & Dialogs.Standard:

function MonthName(MonthNumber as integer)

   select case MonthNumber
       case 1
           MonthName = "January"
       case 2
MonthName = "February" case 3 MonthName = "March" case 4
           MonthName = "April"
       case 5
           MonthName = "May"
       case 6
           MonthName = "June"
       case 7
           MonthName = "July"
       case 8
           MonthName = "August"
       case 9
           MonthName = "September"
       case 10
           MonthName = "October"
       case 11
           MonthName = "November"
       case 12
           MonthName = "December"
   end select

end function

I have used this in Excel at work. For me it was quick and simple at the time. I am still amazed at the tricks and shortcuts I find on websites that would never of occurred to me.


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