> Tel: +27 33 3424299
> Cell: +27 82 789 6724
> Main office: +27 33 3458716
> Running a small business with 6 users, we are looking to move from
> Microsoft office to Open Office.  However, our concerns are:-
>  1.. If we send a spread sheet produced in Open office to someone who only
> has Microsoft office, will they be able to open it?

OpenOffice is compatible with most MS File types (apart from the very latest
2007 file formats). There is the ability to send a file as 'excel' from
within OOo itself.

However there is always a 5-10% of complex spreadsheets that may provide
some challenges to OpenOfifce, but on the whole, there is no problem.

>  2.. Can Open office be networked?
> I look forward to hearing from you as I have to make this decision
> urgently.

>From network I assume you mean install the bulk of it on a single networked
server, then have many clients do a lite install on individual PC's... If
this is the case then you can follow this guide:

Reply to the list if there area any further queries.


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