Dave Barton wrote:
-------- Original Message --------
From: Roland Wik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wed 19 Mar 2008 19:43:41 EST

I have an application made in VBA where I import data through the
serial interface to an Excel spreadsheet. How can import serial data
to OpenOffice Writer?


I don't know if what you want to do is possible or not, but if it is you will need to convert/translate your VBA script into Star Basic.
As a starting point for information about this migration go to:
scroll down to the "Macros" and follow the links given there.

Hope this helps.


Hi Roland,
If your application is an Excel macro, you can try downloading the Novell version of Openoffice. It will run VBA macros and may be able to run yours. If it is a stand alone application, you can use the OOo API to dump the data into a spreadsheet. You may be able to generate XML data and add it to an existing spreadsheet.

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