On 25/03/2008 19:43, Dotan Cohen wrote:

 OT: please modify your wrote header to eliminate the email address of
 the person you are quoting - nowdays with so many spambots it is
 considered rude to include the email address. Make them work for it :-)

It's gmail- not much that I can do other than to remove the address
from the To field. Sorry.

Hmmm. Interesting.

If I use Firefox to reply to a gmail message then the sender's address is included automatically in the "wrote" header and there's no way to prevent it happening.

If I use Thunderbird to reply to a gmail message then the sender's address is *not* included and there's no way to make it happen.

As they say, go figure. But it does seem like it's down to the mail client rather than Gmail itself.

Harold Fuchs
London, England
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