Hi ,

I'm using openoffice.org version 2.4 under debian unstable.
Since version 2.3.1, I've been experiencing a problem where
every time I click anything in the
menu bar (e.g. File , Edit, View,Insert, Format,Tools etc.)
I get a black screen of death. My screen becomes completely black,
and the whole machine freezes. I cannot even login with ssh or anything.
Only openoffice does this to me, and I really don't know what special
X call openoffice does to trigger this. I'm really desperate to get
this fixed, because I write a lot of documents using openoffice,
and so far I've had to revert back to abiword and gnumeric, but 
I don't have all the awesome features available that I have in 

I'm using Xorg X server, and no XGL settings. I have a nvidia 
GE-Force-4 graphics card.

Can someone please help steer me in the right direction to get
this resolved.


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