I just installed OOo 2.4 and copied my dictionary files across from version 2.3.1 so that I could:

1.  continue to use my Australian English spellchecker;
2.  retain all the Aussie words I have added to the Australian Dictionary;

but now the spell checker will not check anything, not even obvious mistakes, and when I go to Options>Languages there is no English(Australian) dictionary for the spellchecker to use, even though under Language settings, English(Australia) seems to have been copied across.

I went back to earlier versions, to copy the dictionary files across but they seem to have been gutted - does OOo now delete previous version files when a new version is installed (good feature, by the way, to prevent one's HDD filling up with multiple copies of OOO)?

Anyone else having problems importing their old dictionary?

Kind regards, James.

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