On Wed, Apr 9, 2008 at 10:39 PM, Denis and Diane Pery
> I just downloaded Version 2.4  of Open Office, and the spellchecker does not 
> appear to work.
>  It did not seem to work in 2.3 either, but it did work in 2.2.

did you go to File->Wizards->Install Directories. Follow the
directions. Open Office comes in so many language-flavours, that it
would inflate the download file to an unacceptable level. That's why
it's set up this way.

If you are sick and tired with Microsoft Office, install Open Office
from http://www.openoffice.org it is free and it does everything the
other stuff does. -- Wenn du die Schnauze voll hast mit Microsoft
Office, warum installierst du nicht Open Office von
http://www.openoffice.org. es kostet nichts und es macht alles was die
andere Software macht.

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