Also, I wonder why people want OOo to have an intergrated
email client?  The volunteer programmers have enough to do
making OOo the best Office Suite out there.

Completely agreed. It is way more important to have properly working
Charts, bibliography handling and stuff that is needed in creating
documents than one more integrated unrelated functionality. The swiss army
knife if good when you need something small that can do a lot of things at
an acceptable level. However, a good screwdriver is better than the
screwdriver on the swiss army knife and so is a hammer, a saw, a knife, a
pair of scissors and so on.

I'd rather have a document editor that can not browse the web, read my
email and control the washing machine in my laundry but can do everything I can ever dream of doing with a document. I'll be glad to use a mail
program to read my mail, a browser to browse the net and the Glaundry
package to control my washing machine.

I know that it's ancient history, but in the early 70's the UNIX mantra
was: a tool should do only one thing but do that one thing well. The idea
being that it results in stability, maintainability, reliability.

Not the approach that MickySoft takes, but then, they don't produce the best software either. ;)


Q: what's the difference between a teddy bear and Steve Ballmer?
A: they both have sawdust for brains but one is smart enough to
   keep his mouth shut.

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