2008/4/18, Kenn Goutal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Nearly always, I like to have my spreadsheets look a certain way.
> I like to have all the cells have top-left alignment, with no wrapping,
> no borders, default colours, default font, etc --
> *except* the column headers (cells in the first row that are not empty)
> in which case I want them to have bottom-left alignment, with no wrapping
> 1pt (?) black borders around each cell, boldface,
> nd a special background colour.
> On one hand, I'd like to have every new sheet
> be created with these characteristics, by default.
> I'd like these formats to be associated either with the row or the column,
> *and* be conditional on whether there's a value in the cell.
> I really don't want to specify that the entire first row
> be populated by cells that look like blank column headers --
> especially given that (I believe) this would make the sheet infinitely
> wide,
> making it hard to print.
> But on any given sheet, I could override these formats.
> Anybody have any ideas how to accomplish anything like this?


What about making a template of this set-up and saving it as .ots?
You can make it the standard or whatever you want in the File > Templates >
Organize window

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