On 20 Apr 2008 at 10:06, William Case wrote:

> Hi;
> I am asking this sincerely, not to start a flame war.
> I use Outlook about once a week in WinowsXP.  The rest of the time I am
> in Linux.  I really don't understand why people feel they need an email
> client as part of the OOo suite.  In my experience Outlook does nothing
> extra to what is available in any Linux distribution.
> What are they looking for that I have missed?

It's purely down to personal taste.

Some people, like me(*), regard OOo as a way of producing documents.

Some people regard it as a complete "office OS" where they can do 
everything they need to do at the office - doc prep, email, whatever -
 without leaving their "office software".

The two camps seem to talk at cross purposes rather a lot :-) The 
problem being, there is no right or wrong, it's just down to what 
best suits the individual.

(*) not that I'm totally against inclusion of a mail client, provided 
it didn't detract from development of the rest of the package. Like 
most other things, I'd look and use what best suited me.

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