To Michael Adams and Rose Luckman: Why not go to Lunis Orcutt's website,, and see what his add-ons would do for you, plus he has a forum to ask questions on, where as OOo is limited to questions on OOo! :-)

Michael Adams wrote:
On Sun, 17 Feb 2008 13:49:23 +0000
Rose Luckman wrote:

Dear Ooo people

My daughter would like to use with Dragon Naturally
Speaking software. Dragon Naturally speaking is voice recognition
software   At the moment she is using Ooo 1.0, but she would update it
immediately if this problem was fixed.
She uses voice recognition software because she cannot use her arms
very much - because of RSI developed as a result of computer usage! She finds that OpenOffice will work insofar as straightforward
composing is concerned, but that it is difficult or impossible to
correct mistakes, to scroll up and down using her voice, and to go
back to earlier material using her voice. It would be much appreciated
if this could be added to a list of things that Ooo developers might
consider fixing at some time.

The issue is one with Dragon Naturally Speaking. It is not that OO.o
doesn't support it, but that DNS does not support OO.o. OO.o has a
freely available API which allows any third party program to be
engineered easily to work with it.

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