On 29/04/2008 18:17, Alan DiCara wrote:
hi- some time ago i downloaded your software similar to Word and Excel and, after looking at the result, had no clue on how to open either and use them. plz let me know how to import or download these programs and get them up and running without the obvious hassles involved.... NOTE please: maybe a WIZARD for those of us who are NOT mindreaders would help. ALSO: having the ability to simply use an ONLINE facility for a word processor and spreadsheet would be GREAT too. Maybe you have this and I cannot find them? Thanks for any advice-

Once you have downloaded the file from <www.openoffice.org> you need to run it - what you downloaded is the installer program. It will ask you a few questions and then install OpenOffice itself. Detailed instructions are at <http://download.openoffice.org/common/instructions.html>. You'll get a new group in your Start>All Programs list from which you can start any of the components. Take a serious look at the Getting Started Guide at <http://documentation.openoffice.org/> as well as the guides to the individual components depending on your needs. Once you have specific questions come back here.

Harold Fuchs
London, England
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