web at work wrote:
Be honest, I do not know, EXCEPT that since Oxygen is based on OOo
then the computer thinks that you are either trying to install an older version of the software or the same version.

Why could Oxygen just make an add-on to OOo instead of
creating a whole "new" version. Just add the add-on, and you got it. Well they did not, so you have to get to do it the hard way.

<snip >

Actually a lot of the extras are available  from the sourceforge website:

"Parts" for 2.4 from http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=170021&package_id=194091

and "Extension" for 2.3.1 from http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=170021&package_id=208656

I have not tried any of the extras, but had noted their existence earlier.

I don't know if these would include the docx fiters, etc.



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