At 17:09 02/05/2008 +0800, James Elliott wrote:
In M$ Word, if you have a multi-page document in portrait orientation, and you want just one page to be in landscape orientation, perhaps to display a table that is wider than a portrait page, you can do this by placing your table in a new 'section' and then formatting just that section to be landscape.

I just taught myself how to insert a section into an existing document, in OOo (ver 2.4 running under Win XP), and I think the OOo way of doing it and displaying the new section is superior to the M$ Word method ... BUT ... when I made my new section landscape (with the cursor within the section), the whole document changed to landscape,which is not what I want.

So, how do you format one page in the middle of a document as landscape, while keeping the rest of the document in portrait orientation?

You may not need sections.  Here's one way to do this:

o  Open the Styles and Formatting window.
o Select the Page Styles button and then an appropriate page style - perhaps Default. o Click the New Style from Selection button and select New Style from Selection.
o  Give your new, landscape style a name.
o  Right-click on the new page style in the list and select Modify... .
o On the Page tab, change Orientation to Landscape (and make any other desired changes). o At the end of the material on the page before the one you want in landscape format, go to Insert | Manual Break... . o Select Page Break and then - here's the clever bit! - from the drop-down menu under Style, select your new landscape page style. o At the end of the required landscape pages, insert another manual page break, this time setting the page style back to your portrait one.

This is all somewhat simpler than it sounds, in fact.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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