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Kenn Goutal wrote:
[OO.o 2.0 on WinXP + SP2]

In "My Documents", I right-click, get a context menu.
I select New.
I select Text Document
A new window opens, with an empty OO.o text document in it.
I change the margine from the default of .79 all around to .50 all around.
I type in a few lines of text, e.g.
This is Heading One
This is text one.  This is text one.  This is text one.
This is Heading Two
This is text two.  This is text two.  This is text two.
This is Heading Three
This is text three.  This is text three.  This is text three.
This is Heading Four
This is text four.  This is text four.  This is text four.
This is Heading Five
This is text five.  This is text five.  This is text five.
I do "Modify Paragraph" on each of the lines,
  changing the indents, leading above and leading after, font face,
  bold, underline, italic, ensure that all are flush-left
  (w/r/t their respective indents).
I open the "Styles and Formatting" window" with <F11>.
For each line, I select it, and in the "Styles and Formatting" window
  I click "New Style from Selection", and assign it a name
  (rather than modify any existing styles).
When it appears that the page is formatted the way I want it
  and the styles are defined the way I want them,
  I click on the "File" menu, select "Templates |>", select "Save ...",
  and enter a new Template Name.
I again click on the "File" menu, again select "Templates |>",
  but then select "Organize ...".
The "Template Management" window is displayed.
The folder "My Templates" is shown in the left-hand panel.
My now-empty, but still-open new document is listed in the right-hand panel.
I double-click on "My Templates".
The new template name is displayed (along with a previously-defined template).
I click on the name of my new template.
I click on [Commands].
I select "Set as Default Template".
I click on [Close].
The "Template Management" window disappears.
I close the window with the now-empty, but still-open new document.
In "My Documents", I right-click, get a context menu.
I select New.
I select Text Document
A new window opens, with an empty OO.o text document in it.
>>-->    The margins are still set to the default .79" all around,
    not the .50" I set in the template
    that I subsequently defined as my default.
>>-->    None of the new styles are present,
    that I defined in the template
    that I subsequently defined as my default.

I have tried this over and over again,
being as careful as I can be at each step, with the same result --
the new template is not used as the default.

I have checked to make sure that the new template
is going into %APPDATA%\OpenOffice.org2\user\template,
and have used Tools -> Options ... -> -> Paths -> Templates
and confirmed that it is the same folder;
this accords with the fact that when I open the organizer,
the new template is in fact in the "My Templates" folder,
and I can click on it to select it.

I do note, however, certain contradictions in naming:
    The type of "Defaults" is simply "Templates" (plural).
    The actual path is %APPDATA\OO.o2\user\template (singular)
    The "Template Management" window calls that folder
        "My Templates" (prefix "My ", plural).
Is this really as it should be?

Anyone have any idea what is going wrong here?

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